Posts tagged with ‘religious freedom’

110 of 39 items

Attend Pro-Family Lobby Day 2020

by mafamily

Protecting the sanctity of life from conception to natural death has never been more crucial here in Massachusetts. For the past year, we’ve been sounding the alarm about the extreme ROE act now pending on Beacon Hill. This “Infanticide Act” would expand legal abortion through all nine months, make it possible for minors to get […]

Flawed Study Used by Sex Ed Mandate Supporters

by mafamily

The recent passage of the Sex-Ed Mandate in the MA State Senate has renewed concerns over graphic sex ed curriculum already being taught in classrooms across the state. This legislation, if passed by the House and signed into law by Governor Baker, will mandate Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE), a specific type of graphic sex ed […]

Bibles vs. Voodoo Dolls in MA Schools

by mafamily

One of the most fulfilling parts of my job is assisting parents who contact the MFI office for help.  Often, they call because their son or daughter came home from school and they can’t believe what their child saw or heard that day in Sex Ed class.  We’ve been working with Massachusetts Informed Parents to […]

MFI News: Trans Activist in Lawrence Assaults 4-year-old & HHS Awards pro-life victory in Vermont

by MFI News

Trans Activist in Lawrence Assaults 4-year-old Two weeks ago in Lawrence, a transgender “woman,” born Jakob Nieves, was arrested for sexually exploiting a 4-year-old girl. Nieves was caught when he purportedly sent pedophilic images to an undercover federal agent on a messaging platform called Kik. Unsurprisingly, most mainstream media has failed to pick up on this […]

Masterpiece Cakeshop on the Chopping Block… Again

by MFI News

This week, we learned that Christian baker Jack Philips is once again being sued by the Colorado Human Rights Commission. This time, it’s for declining to create an expressive blue-and-pink cake celebrating a lawyer’s transition from male to female. The lawyer contacted Jack’s shop to request that cake on the day the U.S. Supreme Court announced […]

Cautiously Optimistic on Kavanaugh

by MFI News

Monday night, President Trump nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh to replace Justice Kennedy on the Supreme Court.  The left continued their hysteria, insisting that this change in the court would spell doom for their progressive agenda.  Some conservatives also raised concerns that Kavanaugh’s commitment to precedent makes it unlikely that he would vote to overturn Roe […]

U.S. Supreme Court Votes in Favor of Religious Liberty!

by MFI News

Massachusetts Family Institute | News Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT:   Andrew Beckwith | | 781.569.0400 Monday, June 4, 2018 BOSTON – Earlier today, the U.S. Supreme Court issued an historic ruling, striking down the State of Colorado’s decision against Jack Phillips. Though Jack served all customers, the State of Colorado punished Jack for declining to participate in a […]

CALL TO ACTION: Stand up for religious liberty in MA

by MFI News

We need your help to protect business owners from being targeted for their faith in Massachusetts.  Two weeks ago, I told you about a new bill at the State House that would seriously attack religious freedom, putting the livelihoods of some Massachusetts business owners on the line.  H.767 would prevent corporations from claiming certain religious […]

New bill targets people of faith

by MFI News

I trust you are making the best of this latest snow day and, if you’re reading this, that hopefully your power is back on.  Our state legislature is not in session today because of the storm, but let me fill you in on a new bill that some of our representatives are pushing.  House Bill […]

Christian Group No Longer Welcome at Harvard

by MFI News

This story hit the news late last week, and Matt McDonald over at the New Boston Post has a good piece on it: “A Christian fellowship was put on probation last week for forcing a junior who served as an assistant Bible course officer to resign because she embraced homosexuality, according to The Harvard Crimson. The student […]