Dear Pastors and Ministry Leaders,

We live in an age of unprecedented prosperity, but we also live in a time of immense pain, chaos and confusion:

  • More than one million babies are aborted every year;
  • Half of all marriages are ending in divorce;
  • Homosexuality is gaining favor in the media, courts and government; and
  • Addictions to pornography, drugs, alcohol and gambling continue to plague our families.

For PastorsAnd the list goes on and on. However, many pastors and people of faith question whether or not they should be involved in social issues and politics. The answer is clear: People of faith have historically influenced public policy and culture, from the times of Samuel, David, Elijah, John the Baptist and the followers of Jesus to this day.

Where would we be had not pastors and churches been publicly involved in during the American Revolution, abolition, public education, health care, woman’s suffrage, and civil rights? With Massachusetts and the nation at the crossroads and deeply divided on profoundly significant issues, the need for people of faith to participate in public policy is greater than ever.

As a pastor or ministry leader, you have the ability to move dozens, perhaps hundreds of people of faith to action, and by doing so, effect positive influence on the culture of our state. I challenge you to educate yourself and your staff on what your church or faith community can and cannot do in regards to both public policy and political activity. You have broad constitutional rights to express your views and we have provided links to documents that clearly explain the many political and civic activities in which you, as a pastor, or your church as a whole can participate.

I also challenge you to find an individual or a group of individuals within your congregation to lead your efforts to educate and activate other members of your faith community. Massachusetts Family Institute will communicate directly with this person or committee—usually through e-mail—about the current active issue in need of citizen action, and they will in turn pass on that information, with your approval, on to the rest of your congregation.

As a pastor myself, I understand that many of you are hesitant to cause a stir by taking on social issues. But as someone who has been in the trenches of the culture war, both as a pastor and now a public policy leader, I know how critical it is for pastors and ministry leaders to take a clear and firm stand in the public square.

Please use the resources on this page and throughout our website to do your part to effect real culture change and renewal throughout the Commonwealth. God bless you.

Kris Mineau
President Emeritus, MFI

Intercessory Prayer

The Founding Fathers always set aside time for prayer, and never missed an opportunity to thank God. MFI has a growing number of faith leaders and congregants who pray regularly for our ministry, our families, our elected officials, and our nation. If you are interested in joining our team of prayerful intercessors, please send an email to info [a], and a member of our prayer team will contact you.