Posts from January 2012

110 of 27 items

Komen to Stop Grants to Planned Parenthood

by mafamily

From After years of protests and criticism from pro-life advocates, the biggest breast cancer organization, Susan G. Komen for the Cure has announced it is halting further grants and donations to the Planned Parenthood abortion business. Figures from August directly from the Komen for the Cure foundation show 18 affiliates of the breast cancer […]

Progressive exec finances marijuana ballot question

by mafamily

According to The Republican, Peter B. Lewis, the chairman of insurance giant Progressive Corp., is bankrolling the effort to legalize medical marijuana in Massachusetts. Lewis contributed $525,000, or virtually all the money raised by the Committee for Compassionate Medicine. Lewis is a founder and current chairman of the Ohio-based Progressive. The donation was noted in […]


by mafamily

That is a large number, and its enormity becomes even more staggering with the revelation that it is the number of abortions since Roe v. Wade was adjudicated 39 years ago. The number, 54,559,615, is a new estimate published by the National Right to Life Committee based on data from both the Centers for Disease […]

NH bill would allow religious freedom for businesses

by mafamily

New Hampshire business owners could soon have the right to decide whom they accept at patrons, if a bill by Rep. Frank Sapareto (R-Derry) becomes law. House Bill 1264 would put an exemption in New Hampshire’s state marriage law that says no person, including a business owner or employee, should be required to provide services, […]

Home Depot digs in, issues statement to AFA

by mafamily

According to the American Family Association, The Home Depot has announced that it will continue to support homosexual activities. AFA had previously reported that the company appeared to be pulling back its support of homosexual activists and the gay agenda. However, The Home Depot responded to AFA with the following statement: “We have never changed […]

Obama orders health plans to cover birth control without co-pays

by mafamily

The Obama administration announced last week that most healthcare plans will be required to cover birth control without charging co-pays or deductibles starting August 1. According to The Hill, the final regulation retains the approach federal health officials proposed last year, language that raised strong opposition from religious groups and conservatives. Though churches, synagogues and […]

New Hampshire House votes to de-fund Planned Parenthood

by mafamily

Last week, the New Hampshire House approved a ban on taxpayer dollars being given to Planned Parenthood or any other abortion provider. The vote, 207-147, was the results of House Speaker William O’Brien (R-Mont Vernon) getting personally involved after a committee voted 12-5 to recommend killing the bill. O’Brien co-authored a floor amendment that the […]

Model calling out “Cosmo” as irresponsible

by mafamily

From OneNewsNow: A model and actress is leading the accusations against a national magazine for marketing sexually graphic material to minors. The magazines with graphic headlines and photos of women in suggestive poses can be hard to miss at the grocery store checkout line. Model and actress Nicole Weider says too much of that is […]

MA appeals court rules judge was wrong to order abortion, sterilization

by mafamily

The Massachusetts Appeals Court on Tuesday reversed a probate judge’s decision to order a schizophrenic woman to undergo an abortion and to then be sterilized, saying the woman had consistently expressed her opposition to the practice as a Roman Catholic. According to the Boston Globe, in October, the state Department of Mental Heath filed a […]