Posts from May 2017

7 Items

Christian Counseling Ban on the Move

by MFI News

Homosexual and transgender activists, under the guise of banning so called “gay conversion therapies,” are trying to use the power of the state to force their views of human sexuality on our children by banning any attempts to help children work through their own struggles with homosexual feelings or gender confusion.  They have already successfully […]

MFI Speaks Life to Elizabeth Warren

by MFI News

I am down in D.C. this week with five Massachusetts pastors, taking part in the Family Research Council’s Watchmen on the Wall Conference.  We’re learning how churches can partner with groups like MFI to strategically influence the public square for the common good.  Sometimes pastors are uncomfortable filling their role of speaking God’s truth into the halls […]

MFI Getting Your Church and School ENGAGED!

by MFI News

I was recently invited to speak on a Sunday morning at the Lion of Judah Church in Boston.  Pastor Roberto Miranda and I had a wide-ranging discussion about the sensitive topics addressed in the Engage curriculum and how the church needs to confront them.  Over 1,000 congregants heard this message and the MFI literature table […]

Where have all the fathers gone?

by MFI News

Next month, just in time for Father’s Day, we’ll be releasing our 2017 report on Fatherlessness in Massachusetts.  As a result, I am immersed in statistics at the moment.  That’s why a recent post on our fall Banquet Speaker’s blog caught my attention.  (Reserve your Early Bird tickets today!) discussed a new report from the […]

Next Week: Pittsfield MFI Dinner

by MFI News

MFI’s President Andrew Beckwith will be speaking at Lakeside Christian Camp & Conference Center‘s IMPACT2017 dinner Tuesday, May 9th, at 5:30 p.m., and we would love for you to join us! This has become one of Andrew’s favorite events. The setting is gorgeous, with the banquet hall right on the lakefront (attached is a photo of […]

Obamacare Repeal Moving Forward

by MFI News

Within hours of the release of the EO on religious liberty, the House of Representatives passed a partial repeal of ObamaCare.  It largely defunds Planned Parenthood for the next year by eliminating more than $390 million (roughly 80%) of federal funding for the abortion giant.  You can watch this year’s banquet speaker Hugh Hewitt discuss this […]

What exactly did President Trump sign yesterday?

by MFI News

Yesterday was a significant moment for religious liberty in our country.  For starters, it was the National Day of Prayer, with people of faith praying for our nation and our government from coast to coast.  This included our own State House in Boston, where MFI joined dozens of pastors in covering Beacon Hill in much […]