Posts from February 2013

5 Items

Headway on the Bathroom Bill

by mafamily

MFI has continued to get local and national coverage on the issue of transgender bathroom usage in our schools.  MFI’s Andrew Beckwith was on air with WBZ’s Dan Rae for an hour last Friday night.  Tuesday night, Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly featured our story in his Impact Segment.  He was, appropriately, outraged by the new policy’s keeping parents in […]

Acceso para los trangeneros en los banos publico de las escuelas ahora se require en MA por la comisaria

by mafamily

LA LIBERACION INMEDIATA CONTACTO: Andrew Beckwith / 781-569-0400 Proyecto de Ley de sigilio bano se abre banos de muchachas para los ninos, invade la privacidad y amenaza la seguridad de todos los estudiants. Massachusetts comisionado de educacion Mitchell Chester informado de grado K-12 directores de las escuelas que deben permitir que los ninos y […]

MA Transgender Agenda Makes National News

by mafamily

MFI broke a national news story Friday afternoon, February 15th, with our raising the alarm about the Massachusetts Commissioner of Education’s new transgender bathroom policy. The document states that school bath rooms, locker rooms, and athletic teams must now be open to students of either sex, depending on what gender a student decides to be. This […]

Transgender Access to Public School Bathrooms Now Required in MA by Commissioner

by mafamily

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   CONTACT: Ryan Boehm |                       Lisa Barstow |    Stealth Bathroom Bill opens girls’ bathrooms to boys, invades privacy and threatens all students’ safety. Massachusetts Commissioner of Education Mitchell Chester informed grade K-12 school principals that they must allow boys and girls of any age who self-identify as transgender […]