Protecting the sanctity of life from conception to natural death has never been more crucial here in Massachusetts. For the past year, we’ve been sounding the alarm about the extreme ROE act now pending on Beacon Hill. This “Infanticide Act” would expand legal abortion through all nine months, make it possible for minors to get abortions without their parent’s knowledge or consent, and would even allow infanticide, withholding treatment for a baby born alive during an abortion.
Just as alarming is the Physician-Assisted Suicide bill that denies the special dignity and unique value of every life, leaving the elderly and terminally ill vulnerable to being pressured to end their life prematurely or to be denied critical treatments. Since it is always cheaper to give a patient pills to commit suicide than to provide real care, insurance companies as well as government-controlled health care will have a financial incentive in recommending death. Sadly, perpetuating the culture of death is more important to our legislature than promoting life and protecting the most vulnerable among us.
This is why it is so important that you join us for our Annual Pro Family Lobby Day on Wednesday, March 18th from 10am to 2:00pm, starting at Park Street Church (Please Note: The views expressed during Lobby Day sponsored by MFI do not necessarily reflect the views of all of Park Street church’s individual members.) We will start the day with inspiring presentations from pro-family legislators and activists on these bills. Then we’ll give you lunch and accompany you up to the State House to speak with your state representative and senator regarding these important issues.
We’ll also give you the latest update on the infamous Sex-Ed Mandate now before the MA House after recently passing in the Senate. This bill takes away local control from school districts, pushes parents aside, and gives Planned Parenthood a virtual monopoly on sex education in every MA public school. Research shows that nearly 1 in 4 kids say that sexually explicit material presented in their sex ed classes, like the kind of content included in Planned Parenthood’s curriculum, makes them feel pressured to engage in sexual activity. It’s up to us to educate our legislators about the dangers of mandating the comprehensive sexuality education being promoted by Planned Parenthood and their allied organizations. We need to keep curriculum decisions in communities, where they belong.
We are excited by the level of activism we’ve seen from the local pro-family community already this year. Many thanks to the hundreds of you who called and thanked the 62 state representatives who have NOT sponsored the ROE Act, shoring up support in the House to uphold a veto from the Governor, should the bill make it that far. We’re also encouraged by the growing momentum around our new parent information forums. With your help, we are taking this presentation all over the state, equipping parents to protect their kids from sexualization in our public schools and raising awareness on the dangers of the Sex-Ed Mandate. More and more of you have opted your students out of explicit sex ed classes and by doing so have sent a loud and clear message to school officials, that we can do better and choose curriculum that encourages our youth to make healthy decisions. Check out this recent interview that I did with Fox 25 News on this important issue.
You are showing up when it counts and it’s making a difference. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to continue to make your voices heard on the issues that matter most to you. Pre-register now to attend Pro-Family Lobby Day!
Massachusetts Family Institute is coordinating with Massachusetts Informed Parents, a grassroots initiative to equip parents to protect their kids from And finally, I highly recommend that you enroll your students in TeenPact Leadership School coming up May 4th through 8th at the State House in Boston. This dynamic fast-paced program is designed to train Christian students to understand the political process, and to stand up for truth and righteousness in the public square. Students learn to find their way around the capitol, how to read and understand bills, and study and enjoy parliamentary debate. They even run for mock political office and meet public officials. Through TeenPact’s interactive classes and hands-on leadership experiences, young people are encouraged to embrace the call to be the next generation of leaders that will defend the faith and engage the culture in meaningful ways. Four- and five-day classes are offered for students ages 13-19 and students ages 8-12 can participate in a one-day class. For more information contact Christine Bourque, State Coordinator, 774-208-7453, or register here.sexualization in our public schools. Together, we are now holding parent forums across the state, sharing the truth about the real dangers of CSE and informing parents what is being taught in their local schools. Contact our office at 781-569-0400 to schedule a forum for your community.