Posts tagged with ‘teenagers’

4 Items

NH legislators seek to require parental notification for abortion

by mafamily

Legislators are once again moving in the Granite State to ensure that parents are notified when their underage daughters are considering an abortion. The House has approved the bill, with the Senate likely taking it up and approving it in the next month. Though a law was briefly on the books, it was declared unconstitutional […]

State website: Abortion ‘easier than it sounds’

by mafamily

According to the Boston Herald, a state-funded sex education website tells teenagers that an abortion is “much easier than it sounds.” The website,, is glossing over the ugly truths of abortion and even counseling them on how to keep their parents in the dark about it. “The Commonwealth is using taxpayer money to tell […]

More teenagers choosing abstinence

by mafamily

The federal government’s latest survey on sexual behavior in the United States contains evidence that more teenagers are choosing abstinence over sex. In the 15 to 24 age group, 29 percent of females and 27 percent of males report never having sexual contact with another person—higher percentages in both cases than in 2002. “The public’s […]