Posts tagged with ‘judiciary’

4 Items

MA appeals court rules judge was wrong to order abortion, sterilization

by mafamily

The Massachusetts Appeals Court on Tuesday reversed a probate judge’s decision to order a schizophrenic woman to undergo an abortion and to then be sterilized, saying the woman had consistently expressed her opposition to the practice as a Roman Catholic. According to the Boston Globe, in October, the state Department of Mental Heath filed a […]

Prop 8 challenges continue in CA

by mafamily

There are currently thirteen (13) attorneys working on the legal defense team in California defending Proposition 8, the citizen approved law that upholds traditional marriage in California. This team includes some of the best civil litigators in the country, from both private law firms as well as public interest law firms such as the Alliance […]

Prisoners to receive hormone therapy for identity issues

by mafamily

7th Circuit: Prisoners to Receive Hormone Therapy for Identity Issues From CitizenLink: A three-judge panel of the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday upheld a ruling deeming Wisconsin’s ban on taxpayer-funded hormone therapy for transgender prison inmates unconstitutional. Former Gov. Jim Doyle, a Democrat, signed the law in 2005, after a prisoner who’d […]

ADF fighting for European parents on basis of rights

by mafamily

Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) attorneys representing four German parents sent two letters asking the European Court of Human Rights to quickly review appeals filed last year on their behalf to free one of the fathers, who is currently serving his second prison term. The parents’ crimes? They chose to keep their four children—a 9- and […]