Massachusetts Family Institute believes strongly that parents are the primary and most important educators in a child’s life. A mom and dad have the unique ability to shape their child’s character and worldview, but they face many challenges and choices today. Today’s public education is quite different than just one generation ago, with humanistic professors and some teachers’ unions attempting to replace parents as the primary instructors.
It is critically important that parents take an active role in their child’s education. Action should begin by making the decision between public, private or home schooling, and then continue by attending school committee meetings, meeting with teachers to discuss lesson plans and simply by maintaining a dialogue with your child about what they are learning or hearing in school.
The home schooling movement in this state and around the nation has begun to revolutionize education. MFI strongly supports the work of parents who are exercising their right and responsibility to educate their children. The home schooling option is vital to answering the challenges facing parents who wish to raise their children with a strong Judeo-Christian worldview, especially in Massachusetts. The public schools here have become a primary battleground in the culture war, with homosexual activists using them to indoctrinate students with their agenda. Their efforts seek to normalize same-sex behavior in the next generation by spreading dangerous and misleading messages about homosexuality, bisexuality and gender-identity issues. This information, layered with values many parents oppose, was once confined to so-called health classes but increasingly is disseminated through history, English and science lessons as well.
At a policy level, MFI supports the restoration of decision-making authority over school policy and finance to parents, locally elected school committees and taxpayers. While the current parental notification law provides some level of protection for parents by allowing parents to opt their children out from lectures or lessons dealing “primarily” with human sexuality, there is much room for improvement. MFI supports replacing the current ‘opt-out’ law with an ‘opt-in’ law that would require schools to have parents opt their children into any class, assembly or other event in which human sexuality would be discussed. MFI also supports the development of charter schools and the idea of real school choice.
As our country faces countless threats to our liberties, one of our greatest American priorities must be the preservation of family freedoms. Freedom is a generational blessing, and unless we preserve our right to a relationship with our children, freedom cannot be passed on. Massachusetts Family Institute encourages you to support the Parental Rights Amendment — a proposed amendment to the US Constitution written to protect the traditional liberty of parents to direct the upbringing and education of their children. Although our courts have traditionally recognized parental rights as an implicit Constitutional right, parental rights are being assaulted by activist courts, overblown bureaucracies, and even the threat of international law — most especially the UN Convention on the Rights of a Child, an international treaty that would all but remove parents rights as we know them. (More Information HERE)
Our highest judges have made it clear: unless the Constitution is amended to affirm parental rights explicitly, they will not stop the impending threats to America’s families. As a result, this Amendment has garnered support from parents of countless backgrounds throughout the nation, and has already picked up a growing number of cosponsors in the U.S. Congress with 129 congressmen and 6 senators. We urge you to sign the petition for the Parental Rights Amendment by visiting this link, and to visit to learn how you can get involved in the campaign for parental rights. In particular, the campaign for parental rights needs volunteers who would be willing to host local meetings about the threat to parents’ freedoms, with a mind toward standing up for parents and working as a group to fight those threats. If you’re interested in hosting a meeting, you can obtain details by emailing Remember: liberty is generational. As a result, all of our rights stand on the foundation of family freedoms.