Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) attorneys representing four German parents sent two letters asking the European Court of Human Rights to quickly review appeals filed last year on their behalf to free one of the fathers, who is currently serving his second prison term. The parents’ crimes? They chose to keep their four children—a 9- and 10-year-old from each family—from attending a mandatory play and four school days of “sexual education” that taught student an unbiblical view of sexuality.
All four parents were fined and sentenced to prison after they refused to pay the fines. Arthur Wiens served two jail terms totaling 10 days last year, while Edmund Wiens served five days last year and is now serving a 40-day sentence. Anna Wiens’ and Rita Wiens’ 43-day sentences were postponed, due to the former’s pregnancy and the latter’s nursing of her newborn.
ADF requests that the ECHR uphold national and international law against the German government’s unlawful incarceration and fines that violate parental rights.
Source: Alliance Defense Fund