Posts tagged with ‘transgenderism’

9 Items

The Lie of Transgenderism and Its Victims

by MFI News

Last Thursday, the MA GOP tweeted out this video by a high school track star lamenting the fact that her sport is now being dominated by boys who “identify” as girls. It highlights how the transgender movement is destroying women’s sports. However, instead of standing up for real women, the state Democratic party is calling the video, preposterously, […]

Will your daughter become DCF’s “son?”

by MFI News

As is becoming increasing clear recently, the sexual revolution is no longer limited to what people do in the “privacy of their own bedroom” or even what is being taught in the classroom. It is now advancing aggressively into our own homes, threatening to separate children from their parents.  The leading edge of this campaign […]

Celebrate Infanticide?

by MFI News

Did you see the Globe this week, with its article proclaiming: “Reproductive rights advocates in Massachusetts and across the country are launching aggressive campaigns for the new year?”  That is putting it mildly.  On the Anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, the governor of New York celebrated his signing of a radical new pro-abortion […]

Daddy’s Boy Forced To Be Mommy’s Girl

by MFI News

This week, at a conference in D.C., I had dinner with Walt Heyer. You may recognize his name, as he was one of the first brave souls to speak out about “detransitioning.”  For almost eight years, Walt, born a boy, lived as a transgender “woman” – complete with surgeries and hormones.  However, he eventually realized that […]

Christian parents lose custody of child over gender identity dispute

by MFI News

I’ve been warning about this for several years now, and it has finally happened. The state has taken a child away from parents who refuse to consent to their daughter receiving cross-sex hormones for gender identity transition. That was last week in a courtroom in Ohio. It could happen here in MA tomorrow. This is […]

Transgenderism: A Runaway Train?

by MFI News

The transgender movement continues to ratchet up the cultural pressure.  Two weeks ago, I shared with you the statistic that 1.5 percent of Bay State teenagers identify as transgender.  That is an alarming number, particularly given the common claim that only .3 (as of 2011) to .6 (as of 2016) percent of the general population […]

Transgenderism IS child abuse

by MFI News

Over the past week, two friends of MFI have made national headlines for boldly telling the truth about transgenderism’s devastating impact on children.  Walt Heyer (whose testimony before the MA legislature last month can be viewed here) published an article in the Federalist this week highlighting the tragic case of a sixth-grade girl who committed […]

Transgenderism now promoted in the U.S. Military

by MFI News

As we celebrate Indepence Day this weekend, we remember those who fight to preserve that independence, our military.  Unfortunately, their freedom is under renewed attack by the LGBT agenda. Just today, the Department of Defense has announced it is now officially promoting transgenderism in the armed services. The Daily Signal reports,   “Senior U.S. officials told AP that […]

A Simple Question for Bruce Jenner

by MFI News

I happened to be in an airport as the media bonanza over former Olympian Bruce Jenner’s “coming out as a woman” started to really take off.  Waiting in line to go through security, a pregnant woman in front of me declined to go through the x-ray scanner and requested to be patted down instead.  The male […]