Posts tagged with ‘Marriage’

1120 of 27 items

The Children Have Spoken

by MFI News

In less than two weeks, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in cases that will lead to a national decision about gay marriage. Whatever that decision is, the ruling will ultimately impact our country for generations to come. With LGBT activists pushing hard to spread their depraved agenda, our nation’s leaders need your prayers more […]

Sealed with a Kiss – Spoken Word by Ashley King

by MFI News

Local Massachusetts writer, teacher and home school mother Ashley King has a passion for challenging people to stand for Biblical truth, and one of the many ways she acts on this passion is through “spoken word,” a powerful form of on-stage poetry. In her most recent spoken word, “Sealed with a Kiss,” Ashley addresses the issue of […]

Same-sex “marriage” repeal in New Hampshire debated

by mafamily

According to the Concord Monitor, it is the “libertarian caucus” within the Republican Party majority in the New Hampshire House that is seen as delaying a repeal of the Granite State’s same-sex “marriage” law. “It is certainly disappointing to me,” said Sen. Fenton Groen, a Rochester Republican who has been vocal in his support of […]

Marriage and St. Valentine’s Day

by mafamily

Friends of the Family, With Valentine’s Day less than two weeks away, I hope most of you men have made your dinner reservations and at least thought of the gift you plan to give to your spouse. Although we usually think of Valentine’s Day as a time for expressing love to our “sweetheart,” it’s really […]

Senate Judiciary calls for DOMA repeal

by mafamily

Today, Senate Democrats officially took sides on DOMA by voting 10-8 in the Judiciary Committee to support the misnamed “Respect for Marriage Act” that would repeal the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). The vote was along strict party lines with all 8 Republicans voting against it. “To me, this debate is about stable families, […]

Fight to keep DOMA heats up in Washington

by mafamily

Dear Friends of the Family, In Washington, where you would think our elected officials would be hard at work trying to get people back to work and the economy humming again, they are instead placating a well-funded special interest group by attempting to disassemble the institution of marriage. The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) has […]

Rick Perry addresses MFI’s sister organization in NH

by mafamily

Texas Gov. Rick Perry addressed our sister organization’s annual banquet last Friday evening in Concord, and I was there for the celebration as well. Cornerstone Action, the advocacy arm of New Hampshire family policy council, hosted the president candidate, and during his remarks he called on state legislators to repeal same-sex “marriage.” “As conservatives we […]

New Hampshire same-sex “marriage” one-step closer to repeal

by mafamily

A proposal to repeal New Hampshire’s same-sex “marriage” law is on its way to the full House of Representatives in January. The House Judiciary committee voted 11-6 to send the amended measure, HB 437, out of committee. If approved, traditional marriage would be restored in the Granite State, while civil unions would be made available […]

NC legislators put marriage to the voters

by mafamily

The voters in another state, this time North Carolina, will get a chance to protect marriage with a constitutional amendment on the ballot next November. In 2008, the Tarheel State voted for President Obama who opposes any and all marriage amendments.  Yet the North Carolina House and Senate overwhelmingly approved the marriage amendment, meeting the […]

Father advocates launch restraining order repeal effort

by mafamily

Advocate for fathers are mounting a ballot effort to repeal the state’s restraining order law, arguing that it has been overused and misapplied in a way that discriminates against men and breaks up families, report the State House News Service. “The real world effect is that fathers, in particular, are instantly removed from their families. […]