This past May, Massachusetts Congressman Joe Kennedy announced his support for the Transgender Bathroom Bill, a dangerous piece of legislation that would open up public bathrooms and locker rooms to either sex, according to their “gender identity or expression.” Because of this bill’s vague wording, any man could legally gain access to facilities normally reserved for women and girls simply by indicating, verbally or nonverbally, that he inwardly feels female at the moment. Public and charter schools and their sports teams and facilities are not exempt. This is the dangerous reality of this bill. This misguided bill ignores the broader community and invites abuse.
We are expecting a hearing in October. Last year, with your help, we were able to stop this outrageous bill. However, as Kennedy’s support demonstrates, this is a major priority of those promoting a radical sexual agenda. Please contact your legislator TODAY to keep MA public bathrooms safe for your families, and tell them to vote “NO” on the Bathroom Bill.
Stay tuned for more updates on how you can be involved.