Assisted Suicide and Corona healthcare rationing
Yesterday I had the opportunity to speak with two veteran Massachusetts doctors about the Assisted Suicide legislation pending on Beacon Hill. Dr. Thomas Sullivan, former president of the Massachusetts Medical Society, explained that the publicity surrounding the MMS’ recent change from opposition to “neutrality” on the question of Assisted Suicide is actually a bit misleading. Dr. Mark Rollo spoke about the open letter to legislators that he and over 100 MA doctors signed in clear and continued opposition to this legislation.
We also discussed how the triaging of Corona patients in Italy based on age or mental capacity, and plans for doing the same here in the U.S., could normalize measures like assisted suicide in the face of a general shortage of medical resources (or heightened costs), even after the pandemic is over. You can view a recording of that video-chat here or click below.
While the three of us were talking, the Assisted Suicide bill’s sponsors received another procedural extension until May 30th. No one knows how the disruption of the Corona lockdown will affect the legislative process as we creep closer to the end of session on July 31st. However, even in 2018 several anti-family bills that were left until the last minute to be taken up by the state House and Senate ended up running out of time to be passed into law. I pray that while the whole world is taking unprecendented measures to save lives from COVID-19, our legislature will have less appetite for embracing suicide.
Finally, a commonsense win for women’s athletics
Last night, Idaho became the first state to enact a “Save Women’s Sports” bill into law. This legislation preserves a level playing field for female athletes by ensuring that biological males are not permitted to play on female teams. As is now typical even with commonsense legislation like this, Idaho’s Governor Brad Little faced enormous pressure to veto the bill from LGBT activists, big business, and others over the past week. But he stood firm and signed the bill into law.
Closer to home, Connecticut high school track athlete Chelsea Mitchell, together with other female athletes and their mothers, recently filed a suit with the help of our friends at Alliance Defending Freedom to challenge her state’s policy of allowing males to compete in girls’ sports. When she learned of the victory in Idaho last night, Chelsea (pictured center below) commented:
“I am so happy that female athletes in Idaho will not have to face an unfair playing field as I have in Connecticut. I have lost four state championships because my state’s policy ignores the physical advantages males have over females in sports and allows males to compete in the girls’ category. Four times I was the fastest female in my race, but I didn’t get the gold medal or the state title; the males in my race took that honor. I have watched this happen over and over again in my sport in Connecticut, as so many girls have been impacted. It isn’t fair, and it isn’t right. We need separate sports categories based on biological sex in order to fairly compete. Idaho has now set the example for other states to follow.”

When the law ignores biological differences, women and girls bear the brunt of the harm. I’m grateful for the courageous work of lawmakers in Idaho and these young women in Connecticut. But they need reinforcements! If your family or someone you know has experienced similar unfairness in women’s sports because of being forced to compete against biological males, please contact me for a confidential consultation.
COVID-19 Resources for Churches and the CARES Act
Last week, our federal government passed the “Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act,” known as the CARES Act. This new legislation is meant to address the economic fallout to families and businesses of the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic in the United States. However, as I understand it, the aid being provided to businesses will also be available to all non-profit organizations, including religious nonprofits, like churches and Christian schools. MFI’s Florida counterpart, the Florida Family Policy Council, has put together a fantastic new website,, to provide information for churches about the CARES Act. The website also has a number of resources on how to navigate the Corona crisis in general, from livestreaming a church service to sustaining your youth ministry during a pandemic. Another resource, Church Marketing University, provides a guide for churches during this crisis which includes the Ultimate Easter Ideas During Coronavirus. I strongly encourage pastors and non-profit leaders to take a look at it.
Let’s make the best of this situation and find new opportunities to serve. For example, I’ve been hearing anecdotally that some churches and pregnancy resource centers are finding that having to move online has allowed them to minister to people they would not have reached in the past.