We have less than a week until election day! This Tuesday, November 6th, we will finally have the opportunity to vote No on Question 3 and Repeal the Bathroom Law! There’s breaking news that this law is putting children (specifically a 10 year old girl in a Woburn Target bathroom) at risk. If you haven’t yet seen last night’s article about it, read it here.
Also, please watch and share this brief (3 minute) video from Massachusetts Pastor, Bishop James Collins of Eagle Heights Cathedral in Revere. He does a great job sharing the heart of a pastor regarding Question 3 and why he is voting NO.
Finally, consider standing outside your polling place on Tuesday, November 6th and holding a sign that says “Vote No on 3. Privacy and Safety Matter!” If you have a yard sign, you can take that with you. If you don’t, make a homemade sign! Find your polling place here.
Share more videos and information regarding No on 3 from www.keepmasafe.org.
Below are some links that explain where candidates stand on important moral issues like the Sanctity of Life. Share them far and wide!
For information on candidates:
Renew MA Coalition:
- State Races for House and Senate
(Non-partisan voter guides will be available online this Friday. We will send an email update with the link then.)
Family Research Council:
For our families,