
4 Items

Call2Fall – Praying for our nation Sunday July 3rd

by MFI News

Our friends at the Family Research Council are once again sponsoring the Call2Fall initiative, where churches set aside a definite time during worship on July 3, 2016 for people to get on their knees and faces before the Lord in repentant prayer for God to reshape our lives and renew our land. The key verse for […]

Kirk Cameron joins Call 2 Fall this Sunday

by mafamily

The star of “Growing Pains” and Left Behind is joining FRC on Sunday, July 1st for Call2Fall in prayer for our nation. “I made the film Monumental because I love God and my family,” he wrote on his Facebook page. “My friend Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council has asked me to set aside […]

Continued prayers for the people of Japan

by mafamily

As you know, families on the other side of world continue to deal with the devastating aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami that hit the island nation of Japan. The tragedy has likely already taken thousands of lives, many of whom remain among the “missing.” There is also the ongoing problems afflicting the nation’s nuclear […]

Praying for those lost, those recovering, and our hurting nation

by mafamily

We continue to pray for the victims of the tragedy in Tucson, Arizona and the families of those who lost their lives on Saturday. We pray for Congresswoman Giffords and her family as she continues her miraculous recovery. And we pray for our nation. We need to go beyond the moments of silence and beyond […]