Parent’s Rights

2126 of 26 items

Parents rights and sex education take center stage at State House

by mafamily

Dear Friends of the Family, We have written a lot about going back to school and the threats facing our children inside and outside of the classroom. But the level of indoctrination is at an all time high, and with economic conditions not improving, many parents have to worry more about putting dinner on the […]

GLSEN awarded more taxpayer dollars

by mafamily

According to our friends at, the federal government will now officially—for the next 5 years—fund one of the largest gay activists groups in the nation devoted to promoting homosexuality to public school kids of all ages. GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network) has been award an annually renewable grant from the CDC funding […]

When schools teach sex to students

by mafamily

Friends of the Family, It used to be that schools taught only the “Three R’s”: Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. Those were the days! Unfortunately, we continue to move further and further away from that, and parents’ rights are paying the price. The Fitchburg School Committee is facing a legal complaint from the mother of two […]

NH governor vetoes parental notification

by mafamily

At the end of last week, Gov. John Lynch (D-NH) vetoed a bill that would allow parents to know when their underage daughter is considering an abortion. Lynch claimed the bill was unclear and too narrow, even though it was written to conform to federal court decisions on what should and should not be included […]

Deval Patrick refuses Father’s Day banner

by mafamily

Last week, Governor Deval Patrick and his administration rejected a request to hang a banner at the State House honoring fathers on Father’s Day, June 19. An application to hang a banner, as has been done by a variety of organizations and groups recently, was submitted to the Bureau of State Office Buildings (a department […]

Contact Sen. Brown on the Parental Rights Resolution

by mafamily

To date, thirty-seven United States Senators have signed onto Senate Resolution 99, the Senate resolution opposing ratification of the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) because this treaty would violate US sovereignty and take away parental rights. Thirty-seven senators is good news since that number can effectively halt any efforts by […]