Dear Friends of the Family,
We have written a lot about going back to school and the threats facing our children inside and outside of the classroom. But the level of indoctrination is at an all time high, and with economic conditions not improving, many parents have to worry more about putting dinner on the table than whether or not their student is learning about the benefits of same-sex “marriage.”
Next Tuesday, the Joint Committee on Public Health will hear testimony on a long list of bills, including several sex-ed “opt-in” bills and two bills that would mandate Planned Parenthood’s sex ed curriculum in schools across the state. Let’s briefly look at these two conflicting proposals and how they could affect the education your child receives.
SEX-ED “OPT-IN” (HB 1934 & 155): For several legislative sessions, pro-family advocates have been trying to improve the parental notification laws in Massachusetts to benefit both children and parents. The “opt-in” bills would make sex education in the public schools an elective requiring parents to opt their children into the course instead of the current compulsory curriculum that requires parents to “opt-out” their children if they object to the materials (and well they should). “Opt-in” puts the onus on the schools to get permission from the parents for their children to attend these classes, and not the other way around. This would decrease the chances of a student being exposed to inappropriate material because notification was not properly sent to parents.
HEALTH CURRICULUM FRAMEWORKS (HB 179, 1063 & 1085 and SB 184 & 259): On the flip side of the “opt-in” bills, Planned Parenthood and pro-gay groups are once again pushing for the approval of the Health Curriculum Frameworks within which lies the Trojan Horse of comprehensive sex-ed. MFI supports good health education, such as nutrition, hygiene and physical exercise. But this legislation would take away the authority of local school systems to customize their health curriculum based on the needs of student populations and parents. Instead, the Health Curriculum Frameworks would mandate comprehensive sex-ed in a one-size fits all curriculum of WHEN and WHAT sensitive sex topics are taught to our children, even as young as age five. Parents and educators, as well as local school committees, would be stripped of their control over these important decisions.
As you can imagine, our opponents have lined up to take away parental and local control, understanding that it would hinder their ability to inject their radical sexual agenda into the classroom. It is time for parents to fight back. I encourage you to come to the State House next Tuesday, September 20, at 10 a.m. in Hearing Room A-2 and testify in support of the opt-in legislation, and in opposition to the Health Curriculum Frameworks. If you are unable to attending, please submit testimony to MFI and we will hand deliver it to the Committee on Tuesday.
CLICK HERE to read the legislation. Use the form at the bottom (Check off HB 1934, HB 155, and HB 179) to submit your testimony in Word or PDF format. Thank you.
For our families,
P.S. Just a reminder for those of you in the 12th Bristol District. The special election to replace anti-family Rep. Stephen Canessa (D-New Bedford) is next Tuesday, and MFI has produced a non-partisan Voter Guide for the race to help values voters cast an educated ballot next week. Please CLICK HERE to download the guide, and consider sending it to your friends and family.