Posts tagged with ‘parents rights’

8 Items

Christian parents lose custody of child over gender identity dispute

by MFI News

I’ve been warning about this for several years now, and it has finally happened. The state has taken a child away from parents who refuse to consent to their daughter receiving cross-sex hormones for gender identity transition. That was last week in a courtroom in Ohio. It could happen here in MA tomorrow. This is […]

October is a scary month

by mafamily

Dear Friends of the Family, Many of you would agree with me that October is one of the best, if not the best months in New England. With a mix of warm days that remind us of summer and chilly nights that warn of winter to come, the weather is perfect for enjoying quintessential New […]

Parents rights and sex education take center stage at State House

by mafamily

Dear Friends of the Family, We have written a lot about going back to school and the threats facing our children inside and outside of the classroom. But the level of indoctrination is at an all time high, and with economic conditions not improving, many parents have to worry more about putting dinner on the […]

Legislators united against Maria Talks website

by mafamily

With the taxpayer-funded website staying in the headlines, legislators from both sides of the aisle spoke out yesterday, calling on Governor Patrick to take down the website and terminate all funding. The press conference, organized by Rep. Marc Lombardo (R-Billerica) and Rep. Colleen Garry (D-Dracut), took place outside the House chamber and included more […]

NH legislators seek to require parental notification for abortion

by mafamily

Legislators are once again moving in the Granite State to ensure that parents are notified when their underage daughters are considering an abortion. The House has approved the bill, with the Senate likely taking it up and approving it in the next month. Though a law was briefly on the books, it was declared unconstitutional […]

MA School district threatens to deny homeschooling

by mafamily

According to our friends at the Home School Legal Defense Association, a Massachusetts school district has threatened to deny homeschooling approval for families who do not submit to no-notice mid-year assessments. Chicopee Public Schools Assistant for Curriculum and Staff Development Sharon St. Pierre contacted district member families with a request for mid-year work samples that […]

ADF fighting for European parents on basis of rights

by mafamily

Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) attorneys representing four German parents sent two letters asking the European Court of Human Rights to quickly review appeals filed last year on their behalf to free one of the fathers, who is currently serving his second prison term. The parents’ crimes? They chose to keep their four children—a 9- and […]

Boston Herald Op/Ed: “Sex ed wrong rite of spring”

by mafamily

Sex ed wrong rite of spring By Jennifer C. Braceras  |   Thursday, March 24, 2011  |  Op-Ed Pay attention parents! It’s spring. And before you know it, Massachusetts public schools will begin their yearly sex-ed lessons for kids as young as 5. Of course, they won’t call it “sex ed.” They’ll call it “health.” […]