Assisted Suicide

2129 of 29 items

Judiciary hearing goes up in smoke as potheads get preference

by mafamily

As seems to be the norm with the Judiciary Committee, the room was too small and the number of bills (fifty five!) too many to truly allow the democratic process to proceed. I was there to testify on behalf of MFI against the proposed doctor-prescribed suicide bill, while Maureen Vacca, our director of public policy, […]

“After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?”

by mafamily

A hideous article in the Journal of Medical Ethics, an international peer-reviewed journal for health professionals and researchers in medical ethics, promotes the killing of unwanted newborns. The authors chillingly advocate that fetuses and newborns do not have the same moral status as actual persons. The fact that both are potential persons is morally irrelevant […]

Doctor-prescribed death bill before Legislature

by mafamily

Friends, It was announced this week that the bill–HB 2233–that would legalize doctor-prescribed death here in the Commonwealth will be heard before the Joint Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, March 6th. While proponents have been successful in gathering the signatures to place the bill on the ballot this November, the Legislature is by law given the […]

Preserving life, from conception to natural death

by mafamily

Friends of the Family, This month, the ongoing work by pro-lifers around the nation gets special attention as the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. takes place. At the same time, the topic of abortion and Roe v. Wade has been a debate subject between the candidates vying for the opportunity to challenge President […]

Hawaii attorney general rules doctor-prescribed suicide illegal

by mafamily

According to, the Hawaii attorney general has issued an opinion that under state law, doctors may not prescribe fatal doses of medication, blasting a hole in the arguments from the Hemlock Society, now called Compassion and Choices. State Sen. Josh Green, a doctor, had asked for the opinion after learning from an Alliance Defense […]

Rally kicks off effort to stop doctor-prescribed suicide

by mafamily

Last Thursday, a significant and diverse crowd gathered on the steps on the State House to show broad and united opposition to the proposed legalization of doctor-prescribed suicide. I was there to lend not on my personal support, but the support of Massachusetts Family Institute. Here a report from the organizers: John Kelly and Karen […]

Oppose doctor-prescribed suicide

by mafamily

As you know, a petition to legalize doctor-prescribed suicide has been successful in placing a ballot question before voters next November. “Death with Dignity” is the sponsoring group, and they were able to gather the necessary signatures. In response to this ballot question, an opposing ballot question committee, the Massachusetts Alliance Against Doctor Prescribed Suicide, […]

Assisted suicide advocates look to ballot

by mafamily

Having found little support or success in the Legislature for their morbid proposal, supporters of physician-assisted suicide are hoping to get on the 2012 ballot and obtain the endorsement of the people of Massachusetts. The so-called “Death with Dignity Act” would allow people with terminal illnesses, with the aid of physicians, to legally commit physician-assisted […]

Boston billboard promotes assisted suicide

by mafamily

A pro-euthanasia organization, Final Exit Network, has purchased billboard space in Boston and plastered it with an anti-life message. The giant billboard in East Boston is black and white and reads “Irreversible Illness? Unbearable suffering? Die With Dignity.” Though the group claims to only offer information, not assistance to people wanting to commit suicide, authorities […]