Tomorrow is election day! Our friends at the Renew MA Coalition have assembled non-partisan voter guides for many of the races that will be on tomorrow’s ballot. Find your voter guide (or guides), and email it to your neighbors. If your local race isn’t listed, there may not be a challenger or there may be a technical issue, so if you have questions email Robert at
Also on tomorrow’s ballot is, of course, Question 3 and the Bathroom Law repeal. (Vote NO.) The Boston Globe finally has a common-sense opinion piece endorsing the No on 3 campaign thanks to Jeff Jacoby. Please take a moment to read and share this article on why he’s voting No on Three.
This means that, for once, the Boston Globe and the New Boston Post are in agreement on this issue! You can read NBP’s editorial regarding why they are supporting a “no” vote on Question Three here. If you haven’t read about the Target bathroom incident in Woburn yet, you can find it here.
If you want even more information on Question 3, you can listen to Friday’s two hour segment on the Dan Rea show, where I debate the head of Boston’s top GLBTQ legal advocacy group, Janson Wu.
Finally, some of you have asked about a one-pager or handout or fact sheet for handing out to friends regarding No on 3. You can download it here.
Please keep praying, and we’ll keep you posted on what happens tomorrow.
For our families,