
110 of 66 items

What Would You Say?

by MFI News

A year and a half ago, Joe Backholm, the former President of our sister organization the Family Policy Institute of Washington, shared with me his vision for equipping the church with good answers to tough questions – make short videos. I’ll admit, at first I was a bit skeptical. I’d rather read an article than […]

National Marriage Week 2018

by MFI News

One of the direct consequences of the breakdown of traditional sexual mores is the growing abandonment of marriage.  Now more than ever, marriage has become less of a priority among the next generation. Instead, young people are turning to cohabitation or open relationships in attempt to satisfy their need for relationship (without the work of […]

National Marriage Week: Marriage Matters

by MFI News

Every year leading up to Valentine’s Day, National Marriage Week USA hosts a campaign to celebrate the God-given gift of marriage and recognize its benefits to the world around us. Here at MFI, we fully believe that healthy families build a healthy society, and the root of healthy families are healthy marriages. All this week until […]

50 years and counting!

by MFI News

Dear Friend of the Family, Lura and I celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary last year. This National Marriage Week, we can truly say that after raising four children and now delighting in 10 grandchildren, it gets sweeter and sweeter as the days go by! From our lifetime of experiences we absolutely believe in marriage being […]

Join us as we celebrate marriage!

by MFI News

Dear Friend of the Family, Each week leading up to Valentine’s Day, MFI engages in the nationwide celebration of marriage. For this year’s National Marriage Week, we are focusing on maintaining and promoting healthy marriages as designed by God. Please join us all next week on Facebook and Twitter as we share encouraging and inspiring […]

A Quick Explanation of Tomorrow’s Gay Marriage Case at the Supreme Court

by MFI News

Tomorrow, April 28th, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on the matter of same-sex marriage. A record 139 legal briefs from various individuals and groups have been submitted to the Court arguing for or against requiring states to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Despite the monumental nature of this case, it is […]

The Children Have Spoken

by MFI News

In less than two weeks, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in cases that will lead to a national decision about gay marriage. Whatever that decision is, the ruling will ultimately impact our country for generations to come. With LGBT activists pushing hard to spread their depraved agenda, our nation’s leaders need your prayers more […]

Local MA Couple Celebrates 75 Years of Marriage this Valentine’s Day

by MFI News

We hope you will enjoy this short video about a local Massachusetts couple who celebrated 75 years of marriage this past summer. Through their life-long commitment and love for one another, Charles and Anna have built a legacy that will last far beyond their lifetime. Click below to hear their story.

Valentine’s Day is About Marriage!

by MFI News

Every February 14th, couples around the world celebrate the beauty of love and romance, but did you know that Valentine’s Day came to be as a consequence of marriage? Saint Valentine, for whom the holiday was named, is a historic figure who esteemed natural marriage between one man and one woman so highly that he […]

Marriage goes to the Vatican – The Humanum Conference

by MFI News

With Thanksgiving this week, we are reminded of the treasure we have in family and the glue that holds it all together-marriage as a lifetime commitment between a man and a woman. Despite marriage coming under increasing attack in our country, it is encouraging to know that this essential institution is still recognized and cherished by […]