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Pro-life groups in RI sue pro-abortion governor

by mafamily

The Rhode Island State Right to Life Committee and 28 state legislators say Gov. Lincoln Chafee illegally bypassed the Legislature in issuing an executive order to create a Rhode Island Health Benefits Exchange Program, to sell health insurance plans that include coverage for abortions. This is according to the Courthouse News Service on Monday. According […]

MCFL to challenge healthcare mandate at ballot

by mafamily

Massachusetts Citizens for Life (MCFL) announced this week that they are putting the individual mandate in the Massachusetts universal healthcare law before the voters in November 2012. The pro-life organization has filed the necessary paperwork with the Attorney General’s office, and if approved, will result in the statewide petition effort this fall. The language of […]

ObamaCare ruling appealed by Justice Department

by mafamily

While President Obama’s Justice Department decided to give up its defense of DOMA, it jumped to the defense of its crown jewel, ObamaCare, the government takeover of healthcare. In fact they are seeking an expedited appeal of U.S. District Judge C. Roger Vinson’s ruling that struck down ObamaCare as being unconstitutional. In an emailed statement, […]


by mafamily

On Monday, a federal judge in Virginia struck down parts of “ObamaCare.”