Posts tagged with ‘legislation’

1116 of 16 items

PRESS RELEASE: Legislators Must Protect Privacy and Security of Women and Children First

by MFI News

Massachusetts Family Institute | Media Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Lena Wakim | | 781.569.0400 Legislators Must Protect Privacy and Security of Women and Children First Mass Family Institute:  Gender identity bill is a threat to privacy and legally redundant. WOBURN (October 6, 2015) — This afternoon on Beacon Hill, Massachusetts Family Institute will join dozens of concerned parents, educators, pastors, and […]

TOMORROW: Bathroom Bill Hearing

by MFI News

Coming up this Tuesday, October 6, the Judiciary Committee will hear testimony on the dangerous Bathroom Bill, and we need you there.  Please join us at Gardner Auditorium in the State House at 12:30 p.m. for the hearing, which will officially begin at 1 p.m. You don’t need to testify, but your presence will make […]

The Real Agenda of the Bathroom Bill

by MFI News

It really isn’t just about bathrooms and locker rooms.  House Bill 1577, “the Bathroom Bill,” is intended to normalize transgenderism in every corner of our public lives.  Advocates for the bill claim that it is necessary to prevent discrimination in “public accommodations,” like restaurants and hospitals.  (For a glimpse at the clout this movement has on […]

Bathroom Bill Hearing October 6: Save the Date, Sign and Share the Petition

by MFI News

The Transgender Bathroom Bill is back!  As recently reported by WGBH, the Judiciary Committee has scheduled a hearing for the Bathroom Bill this fall, on Tuesday, October 6 at the State House. Make no mistake: this is the number one priority of the left.  They are pushing hard to pass the bill this fall, and to […]

Prayer and Petition at Our State House

by MFI News

This week, about 40 family-values advocates joined us at the State House for Lobby Day. Guests heard from eight pro-family legislators and other leaders of the movement on issues of life, human sexuality and parental rights. MFI staff were also able to educate attendants on how to be involved in the Bay State and approach legislators […]

The Truth About Indiana’s Religious Freedom Act

by MFI News

I’m sure many of you have been hearing reports in the news about Indiana’s new Religious Freedom law. We have been monitoring this situation closely, as the struggle to defend religious liberty in the Hoosier State has implications for all of us nationally. We will communicate more on this soon, but for now I want […]