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Maine court rules school not obligated to accommodate transgender student

by mafamily

The Penobscot County Superior Court ruled that a school district was not obligated to accommodate a transgender student access and use of the girls’ bathroom because Maine does not have a law requiring that transgenders have full access to public facilities. This is the same lawsuit that has been going on for several years in […]

A New York state of chaos

by mafamily

Friends of the Family, Watching as Republican senators in New York caved to pressure from the governor and other state leaders on same-sex “marriage” brought back the sadness and anger that we all felt on June 14, 2007 when seven “Benedict Arnolds” flipped their votes, robbing the citizens of Massachusetts their opportunity to define marriage […]

Weekly Message from Kris Mineau

by mafamily

Friends, Conservatives are making a comeback in Massachusetts, and it has been a blessing to watch it happen. Conservative legislators have found their voice, and have not been shy about speaking up for their principles, even crossing party lines to do so as was the case with 63 representatives calling on Governor Deval Patrick to […]

SCOTUS upholds parents’ rights, religious liberty

by mafamily

On Monday, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) dismissed a lawsuit challenging Arizona’s provision of tax credits for contributions to private-schools – even religious schools. The 5-4 decision held that opponents of the 14-year-old program lacked legal “standing” to challenge the program as taxpayers objecting to a government spending program. This is a […]

Patrick names lesbian to SJC

by mafamily

The Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts (SJC), who will live forever in infamy for its ruling to legalize same-sex “marriage” in the Bay State, will soon have its first “married” lesbian justice after Gov. Deval Patrick nominated Barbara Lenk to fill the vacancy left by retiring justice Judith Cowin. Lenk “married” her partner following the […]

ADF fighting for European parents on basis of rights

by mafamily

Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) attorneys representing four German parents sent two letters asking the European Court of Human Rights to quickly review appeals filed last year on their behalf to free one of the fathers, who is currently serving his second prison term. The parents’ crimes? They chose to keep their four children—a 9- and […]

9th Circuit lets Prop 8 stand during appeal

by mafamily

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday denied a motion which would have forced California to immediately resume same-sex “marriage” while the court considers a case challenging Proposition 8, the state constitutional amendment which defines marriage as a union of one man and one woman. The Ninth Circuit had stayed District Court Judge Vaughn […]

Foreboding ruling out of UK on rights of Christians

by mafamily

Last week, the high court for Great Britain dealt a huge blow to religious liberty. Owen and Eunice Johns have welcomed more than 15 children in their home as foster children, but social services has now flagged them for their faith. Under England’s new “sexual equality laws,” the state decided that their beliefs about homosexuality […]