Federal Legislation

2130 of 41 items

DOMA repeal not attached to Defense Authorization bill

by mafamily

We reported last month that Senate liberals were attempting to attach a DOMA repeal amendment to the Defense Authorization Act, a must-pass bill that funds the military. Thankfully, phone calls from people like you convinced them otherwise. Thank you for calling Senator Brown and thanking him for his principled stand against the repeal of DOMA. […]

Senate liberals to link DOMA and Defense Authorization

by mafamily

Friends, Senate liberals are considering attaching a radical agenda to a bill that funds our servicemen and women through the next year. You heard that right. Harry Reid, Patrick Leahy and Diane Feinstein, in their quest to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), plan to attach the repeal to the 2012 Defense Authorization Bill, […]

Senate Judiciary calls for DOMA repeal

by mafamily

Today, Senate Democrats officially took sides on DOMA by voting 10-8 in the Judiciary Committee to support the misnamed “Respect for Marriage Act” that would repeal the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). The vote was along strict party lines with all 8 Republicans voting against it. “To me, this debate is about stable families, […]

Fight to keep DOMA heats up in Washington

by mafamily

Dear Friends of the Family, In Washington, where you would think our elected officials would be hard at work trying to get people back to work and the economy humming again, they are instead placating a well-funded special interest group by attempting to disassemble the institution of marriage. The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) has […]

FRC releases congressional rankings, including MA

by mafamily

Family Research Council (FRC), the leading national pro-family organization and MFI’s national policy affiliate, has released its 2012 Vote Scorecard for the members of the U.S. House and Senate. Of our state’s 10 members of the U.S. House, all but one received a 10% ranking. The other, Rep. William Keating (D-10), received 0%. On the […]

John Kerry officially endorses same-sex “marriage”

by mafamily

Former presidential candidate and senior U.S. Senator for Massachusetts, John Kerry, has made it official that he now support same-sex “marriage.” While running for president in 2004, Kerry said that he opposed same-sex “marriage,” choosing instead to support civil unions. Kerry, a Roman Catholic, penned an op-ed earlier this month for the Boston Globe defending […]

Will Scott Brown defend DOMA?

by mafamily

Friends of the Family, With the Bathroom Bill continuing to be a hot topic here in the Commonwealth, the national political scene has for the most been debating fiscal issues, including taxes, spending and the debt ceiling. As well they should with so many Americans out of work. But that is about to change thanks […]

Media misleads on new polling on same-sex “marriage”

by mafamily

The media was more than excited to report on a recent poll that showed for the first time that the majority of Americans supported same-sex “marriage.” However, a new poll out from Public Opinion Strategies (POS) says otherwise. It found that 62 percent of Americans agreed with the statement, “I believe marriage should be defined […]

HR 3, No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act, moves towards vote in House

by mafamily

One of the most important pro-life initiatives in Congress, the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act,” is inching closer to the House floor. Yesterday, the House Rules Committee met to discuss H.R. 3—which is a good indication that the bill will hit the full House for a vote next week. Take a minute to call […]

Clement refuses to bow to homosexual attacks

by mafamily

After the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) pledged to target the Atlanta-based law firm King & Spalding for representing the Congress in the defense of DOMA, the firm buckled and dropped the case barely a week after House Speaker Boehner hired them. “In reviewing this assignment further, I determined that the process used for vetting this […]