Friends of the Family,
This morning, a federal appeals court in Boston heard arguments in the legal battle to strike down the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). I was there this morning, along with Andrew Beckwith, MFI’s new executive vice president.
As you know, DOMA defines marriage at the federal level as the union of a man and woman, and protects the right of states to define marriage the same way despite the actions of other states. Last year, Federal Judge Joseph Tauro declared that a key part of DOMA was unconstitutional because it interferes with the right of a state to define marriage, and denies same-sex “married” couples the federal benefits reserved for a married man and woman.
A bipartisan congressional group is leading the defense of DOMA and the appeal of Judge Tauro’s ruling since the government continues to have a legitimate interest in preserving the natural definition of marriage. The Obama administration forfeited their obligation to defend DOMA, leading House Speaker John Boehner and former solicitor general Paul Clement to take over. Barely a week ago Paul Clements did a phenomenal job before the US Supreme Court in challenging the constitutionality of Obamacare and his defense of DOMA this morning was likewise a stellar performance.
Even since President Obama and the liberals in Congress were successful in overturning the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, they have had their sights set on repealing DOMA. Thankfully, congressional action has been stymied by a conservative House, and a vocal Republican minority in the Senate. However, same-sex marriage activists are challenging the law in the arena they find their most success: the courts.
Whether the appeals court decides to uphold Judge Tauro’s misguided ruling or overturn it, same-sex “marriage” is already on a collision course with the US Supreme Court. It is just a matter of time. We must continue pray that DOMA and other marriage laws and constitutional amendments, especially Prop 8 in California, are upheld by our judicial system. Please also keep in prayer that the potential referendums to stop same-sex “marriage” in Maryland and Washington are successful, as well as next month’s marriage amendment vote in North Carolina.
Our battles here in Massachusetts may currently be focused on other issues like doctor-prescribed suicide and medical marijuana, but the definition of marriage – which has never been resolved at the ballot box in Massachusetts – is still a raging fight across the country. And despite their victory at the ballot box two years ago, our friends in Maine are now facing another ballot fight in November as homosexual activists seek to reverse the repeal of Maine’s same-sex marriage law.
While it remains to be seen whether marriage will be restored here in the Bay State, it is our responsibility to future generations to continue to fight at all levels for our values and for what is right.
For our families,