Friends of the Family,
You’ve seen our testimony. You’ve heard our radio ads. You’ve read our talking points. And so have our opponents.
They see the passage of the Bathroom Bill slipping through their fingers again. The truth about the Bathroom Bill is clear: this bill poses a very real threat to safety, privacy and modesty. There is no way to get around this, no matter how much our opponents speak about discrimination and harassment.
Rep. Steven Howitt (R-Seekonk), a freshman legislator elected to the seat once held by marriage champion Phil Travis, is under attack for opposing the Bathroom Bill. This should come as no surprise since MassEquality and similar groups proudly celebrated the taking of that seat following Travis’ retirement from the Legislature in 2006.
Using loaded terms such as “civil rights,” “discrimination,” and “hate crimes,” the leaders of the group pushing the Bathroom Bill attacked Rep. Howitt in his hometown newspaper. They repeated their claims that the bill is necessary and would not have the consequences that we all know to be very real.
Bullying of people who dare speak out against their agenda is nothing new from those pushing same-sex “marriage” and the gay agenda. They have no shame in attacking elected officials, boycotting small businesses, threatening law firms and corporations, and using blatant lies to get their way. Their fascist tactics are well documented: just ask California voters, the Mormon Church, Chick-fil-A, Catholic Charities, Target, and Paul Clement, just to name a few.
We need to stand firm in our resolve against their attacks, and we need to defend those elected officials who show strength of conviction on values issues. There are more pro-family legislators than ever on Beacon Hill, but that just means there are more legislators with a bulls-eye on their back.
What can you do? Contact YOUR legislator—especially if they have publicly opposed the Bathroom Bill. Tell them you support them. Write letters to your local newspapers opposing the Bathroom Bill, and supporting your state representative or state senator that has courageously spoken out against it.
We are in this battle together, and we need all the allies that we can get. We can and we must win, for the sake of future generations.
For our families,