Massachusetts Family Institute is excited to be partnering with TeenPact Leadership School in Massachusetts this spring.

Statehouse smallFrom April 28 – May 2, students are welcomed to the Massachusetts State House in Boston for a time of education and inspiration.

During TeenPact, teens will have the opportunity to be a part of a hands-on leadership program for Christian students designed to “train youth to understand the political process, value their liberty, defend their Christian faith and engage the culture.”

Students will spend a week deepening their understanding of the government system as well as learning how to be effective Christian leaders in our nation.

This year’s guest speakers are a cross section of leadership in the Commonwealth, with representatives from not only both houses of the state legislature but both sides of the political aisle as well.  In addition, there will leaders representing the church and the nonprofit sector.

For more information on how to register for TeenPact, click here.

Here’s what students from around the country are saying about TeenPact:

“TeenPact has made me aware of the importance of being involved in politics, and has really convicted me to constantly evaluate my walk with God. TeenPact asks me to face difficult questions like, “Have I really dedicated my life to Christ?” “Am I striving to further the kingdom of God?”—-it implores me to flee from the complacency that plagues my generation.” -Sarah Hufstedler, TX

“TeenPact has raised me to a totally new standard of living. It showed me how I can impact a normally all too corrupt thing, government. But the learning of government only scratches the surface of what TeenPact has done for me, it gave me better critical thinking skills, public speaking capabilities, and showed me how to step out of my comfort zone and change the world we live in. But most importantly, it gave me a closer relationship with Christ.” –Stevie Leifheit, ME

“Teenpact has changed my life so much more than any other program like it has. It’s taught me how to be a Christian leader for my family, my peers and my community.”-Jordan DuBaere, MI