Massachusetts Citizens for Life is hosting their annual convention on April 9 at Boston College Law School. “Fighting for Life – From Beacon Hill to Capitol Hill” will run from 8:30 am and 4:00 pm and will feature several speakers, including Steven Mosher (Population Research Institute), William Saunders (Americans United for Life), Mark Rienzi (Catholic University of America Law School), and Hans von Spakovsky (The Heritage Foundation).

There will also be an Academy of Pro-Life Activism that features presentations on Media Techniques, New Media, State Legislation, MA Health Care, Curriculums, and starting your own MCFL chapter. The Students for Life will also be piggybacking with their own conference from 2:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Convention registration is $30 and $10 for students and includes coffee, lunch, breaks and materials. Students for Life Conference registration is $10 and includes dinner, breaks, and materials. Students for Life registration is included for those who register for the convention.

CLICK HERE to register online.