Before you sign up to race for the cure, maybe it’s best to get up to speed on what, exactly, you’re running for. A few years ago, the Susan G. Komen Foundation, which raises millions of dollars a year for breast cancer research, admitted that it gives a portion of its proceeds to Planned Parenthood. When people grilled the Foundation on their partnership, Komen tried to tamp down the controversy by saying that Planned Parenthood "provides vital services." Considering the latest news, they might want to change that statement to "refers for vital services." Apparently, Planned Parenthood doesn’t need our tax dollars for free mammograms–because they don’t offer them! Pro-lifer Jill Stanek did some digging, and it turns out that one of the organization’s biggest arguments for government funding is completely invalid. "If [the pro-life provisions in this budget] ever becomes law," Cecile Richards has warned, "millions of women in this country are going to lose their health care access, not to abortion services, to basic family planning–you know, mammograms, cancer screenings, cervical cancer."

That’s interesting, Stanek says, because not one Planned Parenthood in America performs mammograms. Even the organization’s website tells women to "ask your local health care provider, health department, or staff at your local Planned Parenthood center about where you can get a mammogram in your area." Obviously, Richards and friends will stoop to any level of deceit to keep the government checks rolling in. Meanwhile, what business does Susan G. Komen have funneling money to an organization that a) does nothing to prevent breast cancer, and b) lies that it does? There are plenty of respectable health clinics out there (1,200, in fact) that would host the screenings without promoting abortion–a procedure that may have more to do with causing breast cancer than curing it.

     Source: Family Research Council