We welcome you to join us for our 25th Annual Fundraising Banquet. This will be a gala event, with live music and a festive atmosphere as we celebrate two and a half decades of promoting family values in the Commonwealth. The banquet will start at 7 p.m. and the evening’s program will conclude by 9 p.m. However, because this is an anniversary year, we are encouraging guests to stay and continue the celebration and fellowship with music and refreshments.
We are also very excited to have Dr. Ravi Zacharias, Founder and President of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM), as our keynote speaker.
Our annual banquets, which boasts renowned pro-family speakers each year, regularly draw 500 guests. We expect to sell out again this year, given the popularity of Dr. Zacharias, so register now to reserve your seat!
For a complete biography on Ravi Zacharias click here.
About Tickets and Tables:
The 2016 banquet ticket price is $125.
Due to an early, overwhelming response to this year’s 25th anniversary banquet, we have already SOLD OUT of a total of 600 seats in the main ballroom and additional venue (the Charles River Room).
Banquet attire: Coat and tie