Fellow Patriots,
This weekend we commemorate the birth of the greatest country on Earth. With fireworks, parades and backyard cookouts, Americans will celebrate the stars and stripes and the values and freedoms that we have come to be known for around the world.
There is no doubt that America is still the greatest nation on earth and a country to be proud of, but like many other patriots, I have to wonder about the path we continue to accelerate down. Our first freedoms of religion and speech are being curtailed. The voice of the people is slowly being silenced by arrogant elected officials and unelected judges. Our values are under constant attack, and too often the church is staying on the sidelines.
The United States of America is 235 years old on Monday, the anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Our Founding Fathers and patriots of all ages, genders, religions and races committed their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to secure our independence from an oppressive crown. And never forget that today, we have patriots continuing that fight both here on our shores, and overseas. The brave men and women of the United States Air Force, Army, Navy, Marines and Coast Guard risk their lives day in and day out not only for freedom, but for that of oppressed peoples around the world.
The battle for our future rages on, and MFI will be there fighting with you, remembering first and foremost that this is a spiritual battle for the soul of our nation. I encourage all of us during our worship services this Sunday, July 3, to join together in the Call 2 Fall, answering God’s call to fall on our knees in humility and seek His face in repentance so that He might forgive our sins and heal our land.
Have a safe and most enjoyable Independence Day weekend.
For our families and our freedom,