“Twas the night before Christmas” and the State House abortion advocates were busy secretively planning to push through a parental rights assault bill. But MFI and other pro-family and pro-life organizations have been vigilant and discovered these stirrings.

Last Thursday, December 22, while we were celebrating the Nativity at the State House, the House Ways andabortion-consent-young-girl
Means Committee sent out a request asking members to release SB 2138.

Last March, the Senate passed SB 2138 titled “An Act to protect access to confidential healthcare.” This slight-of-hand title hides the fact that this bill further undermines parental rights. If passed, this bill would allow a child to get an abortion paid for by their insurance provider with no parental or policy holder knowledge. In other words, this is a “gift” to Planned Parenthood and a violation of parental rights.

The vote to release SB 2138 concluded last Friday with the expectation that SB 2138 would be sent to the floor of the House during an informal session as early as today! Informal sessions are only for noncontroversial issues that require no debate or formal roll call votes. SB 2138 hardly falls into this category.

Not only is this bill designed to allow secretive abortions without the knowledge of parents, but the abortionists seek to have this bill passed without debate or the possibility of a roll call vote by bringing it during an informal session.

Fortunately, one legislator, standing firm, can stop this legislation that can come up at any time between now and the end of this legislative session January 3. Pro-life legislators have been notified and should be present to stop this sneaky legislation and tactics.

But we still need your help to contact your legislators and make them aware of what’s going on. We need you to ask them to stay vigilant to the very end to stop SB 2138.

Send your legislator an email asking them to stop this bill:


Thank you for your willingness to stay active even during this blessed time of Christmas.


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P.S. Please consider making a final, year-end, contribution to help MFI stay on top of the legislature, so we can help you keep your legislators accountable. Click here to make your contribution of $25, $50 or $100. Thank you, and best wishes in the New Year!