Posts tagged with ‘SCOTUS’

6 Items

U.S. Supreme Court Votes in Favor of Religious Liberty!

by MFI News

Massachusetts Family Institute | News Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT:   Andrew Beckwith | | 781.569.0400 Monday, June 4, 2018 BOSTON – Earlier today, the U.S. Supreme Court issued an historic ruling, striking down the State of Colorado’s decision against Jack Phillips. Though Jack served all customers, the State of Colorado punished Jack for declining to participate in a […]

SCOTUS Nominee a Strong Defender of Life and Liberty

by MFI News

Like many of you, I was eager to see if President Trump would make good on his pledge to nominate a conservative Supreme Court Justice to replace the late Antonin Scalia.  I was therefore very happy to hear the president announce last night that he is nominating Judge Neil Gorsuch.  Several weeks ago, I had […]

MEDIA RELEASE: Massachusetts Family Institute Weighs in on Today’s SCOTUS Abortion Hearing

by MFI News

Massachusetts Family Institute | Media Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT:   Lena Wakim | | 781.569.0400 Massachusetts Family Institute Weighs in on Today’s SCOTUS Abortion Hearing Mass Family Institute:  The court should uphold Texas law requiring all surgical centers to be treated the same. Wednesday, March 2, 2016 WOBURN — Massachusetts Family Institute is proud to announce that its […]

VIDEO: Kris Mineau reacts to DOMA decision on NECN Broadside

by mafamily

Broadside: Cases settled, divide remains Wednesday, June 26, 2013, 7:32pm (NECN) – The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of same-sex marriage Wednesday in two cases – DOMA and Prop 8. While gay activists are elated by the rulings, opponents say they’re not done fighting. Sue O’Connell is the publisher of Bay Windows, which serves […]

Polygamists follow same-sex lead

by mafamily

Friends of the Family, During our long battle to pass the Marriage Amendment, anytime someone mentioned polygamy in the same sentence as same-sex “marriage” our opponents would scream that there was no link between the two, and that they simply wanted so-called “marriage equality.” Well, we are now there! Same-sex “marriage” is legal in six […]

SCOTUS upholds parents’ rights, religious liberty

by mafamily

On Monday, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) dismissed a lawsuit challenging Arizona’s provision of tax credits for contributions to private-schools – even religious schools. The 5-4 decision held that opponents of the 14-year-old program lacked legal “standing” to challenge the program as taxpayers objecting to a government spending program. This is a […]