Bathroom Bill Provisions Defeated but
Transsexuals Given Special Rights
Transsexuals Given Special Rights
Boston – House leaders today rammed through a measure relative to “transgender” protections that left rank and file members with little information; just a heavy hand from leadership to pass the measure – forcing it through with little debate — before the imminent House recess.
The final version strikes a provision which would open public bathrooms and locker rooms to any person of either gender, but the process and the language on the rest of the measure was anything but open and transparent. Throughout the day, lawmakers were not given up to date versions of the measure to review, but expected to “fall in line” with leadership on a final, favorable vote.
“It’s a victory for the safety, privacy and modesty of woman and children who expect to be safe and secure in public bathrooms in the Commonwealth,” said Kris Mineau, president Massachusetts Family Institute. “But it leaves too many issues unanswered in terms of burdensome and costly regulations to businesses and how workplace provisions will actually manifest in our public K-12 schools, as well as private businesses losing their rights and autonomy—and being unfairly subject to frivolous lawsuits,” Mineau added.
“Beacon Hill heard loud and clear from citizens across Massachusetts – they want their bathrooms and locker rooms to remain safe spaces for women and children – and that shows the power of grassroots activism and the outrage of an electorate who doesn’t want Beacon Hill putting their safety and privacy at risk,” Mineau said.
Very troubling, however, was the lack of a more lengthy debate to deal with unforeseen consequences, making it clear that the dye was cast before it came to the floor. Only one Republican, Rep. Dan Winslow of Norfolk, supported the measure.
“Every school child should be required to watch this legislature in action, to watch a one-party system ram through radical legislation with virtually no debate—it’s shameful and does not befit the history of our great state or what our founders dreamed for a government “by the people, for the people,” Mineau remarked.
On balance, MFI opposed today’s action and will seek remedies that protect individuals and small businesses from undue harm as a result of this radical measure that gives special rights to a few and subjects the rest of society and the business community to unfair financial and legal burdens. It also underscores the importance of returning our democracy to a two-party system which would provide more transparency and accountability to citizens of the Commonwealth.