Tomorrow marks eight years since court-imposed same-sex “marriages” began here in Massachusetts. This anniversary comes just a week after voters in North Carolina overwhelmingly (61%) voted in favor of protecting the historic and natural definition of marriage, something we have not been allowed to do here. Also last week, despite the fact that over 50 million Americans in 32 states have voted for traditional marriage with an overall pass rate of 68%, President Barack Obama made the announcement that he supports the redefinition of marriage, as well as the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).

According to the Department of Public Health, there have been 239,943 marriages in Massachusetts between one man and one woman. There have also been 18,462 same-sex marriages, 6,847 male and 11,615 female.

More than six hundred people have already signed our petition in support of marriage which we will submit to the Congressmen and Senators representing us in Washington, including Senator Brown. If you haven’t had a chance to do so, please CLICK HERE to do it right now. You can also help us spread the work about this petition on Facebook and Twitter.