One of the best sources of information about homosexuality is NARTH–the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality. At their upcoming annual convention in Phoenix, they will be expanding their outreach beyond professional therapists to the general public, with a one-day (November 5) Information and Resource Conference directed toward parents, clergy, community and ministry leaders, those struggling with same-sex attractions, and anyone else who wants to know more about homosexuality.
NARTH’s membership is primarily composed of psychiatrists, psychologists, and other professional therapists and counselors who offer “sexual reorientation therapy” to help people overcome unwanted same-sex attractions. FRC has been roundly criticized by homosexual advocates for pointing to the work of NARTH and others in the area of “reorientation therapy” because it debunks the claim that homosexuality is genetic. NARTH’s annual convention is an opportunity to come together and learn about the latest research regarding homosexuality and the latest clinical approaches to overcoming it.
The Information and Resource Conference is a welcome addition to educate a wider audience. Those who live in the Phoenix area or anywhere should give special consideration to attending this all-day event on Saturday, November 5. Registration is only $35, and more information is available at the NARTH website.