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Marvel has X-Men hero Northstar “marrying” his partner, Kyle Jinadu, in “Astonishing X-Men” No. 52, due out June 20. Likewise, DC Comics has announced that the Green Lantern is homosexual. DC co-founder Dan DiDio told attendees at the recent Kapow Comic Convention in London that the previously straight hero will be introduced as “one of our most prominent gay characters.” According to, Northstar revealed he was “gay” in the pages of “Alpha Flight” No. 106 in 1992, becoming one of Marvel’s first characters to do so.
Focus on the Family’s Glenn Stanton, director of family formation studies, says it is “shameful” to press this issue upon children.
“What’s really disturbing about this is the real arrogance of these cartoon creators who think their job is not just to entertain, but to indoctrinate, to preach at us,” he observes. “We go to church to be preached at; we don’t go to comics to do that. And again, it’s just arrogance on the part of these creators.”
He also dubs it a political move. “It’s kind of activist comic books, which we don’t need. Comic books are for entertainment; they’re not for activism, social activism,” Stanton contends.
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