According to the Los Angeles CBS affiliate, a Ventura County (California) Girl Scout is stirring controversy after releasing a video calling for a boycott of the group’s popular cookies for their support of the “radical homosexual agenda.” The girl, who has only been identified as 14-year-old “Taylor,” cited the recent decision by Girl Scout officials to allow a 7-year-old “transgender” boy to join a Colorado-based troop last fall.
Taylor complains that the Scout movement "cares more about promoting the desires of a small handful of people than it does about my safety and the safety of my friends. And they are doing it with the money we earn for them by selling Girl Scout Cookies."
A statement on the website,, calls for the Girl Scouts USA to “eliminate sex education from Girl Scout permission and curricula.” The group is also calling for the organization to cut ties with the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts for its ongoing relationship with Planned Parenthood “and its worldwide agenda of explicit sexual education for young children.”
For more information on the Girl Scouts and their ties to the both gay groups and Planned Parenthood, read the article, “Say no to Girl Scout Cookies,” by Cathy Cleaver Ruse, a senior fellow at the Family Research Council.
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