If you haven’t heard, Planned Parenthood just fired their President and CEO, Dr. Leana Wen, because Wen wanted to focus primarily on “health care” issues rather than political advocacy. Dr. Wen wrote in her statement that the “board leadership has determined that the priority of Planned Parenthood moving forward is to double down on abortion rights advocacy.” Not women’s health care.
Meanwhile, on Beacon Hill, pro-life activists lobbied for a bill Tuesday that could DEFUND Planned Parenthood in Massachusetts: H.1181, “An Act Relative to State Funding of Certain Nonprofits,” sponsored by Reps. McKenna, DeCoste, and Soter. Just this year, our pro-abortion legislature has made millions of dollars available to Planned Parenthood. This bill would change that.
Legislators on Beacon Hill heard powerful testimony this Tuesday in support of H.1181. “The largest abortion business, Planned Parenthood, is NOT the safe, benevolent business they say they are” testified Kathy Lynch, a pro-life advocate and field director for Renew Mass Coalition.
As the largest abortion provider in the nation, Planned Parenthood is the face of the pro-abortion movement. Planned Parenthood’s billion-dollar budget, manipulated data, and privileged relationship with the mainstream media often suppress pro-life voices, hiding the truth about Planned Parenthood’s practices. With much of their funds (over $500 million) coming from the federal government, it’s imperative that you know exactly the type of “care” your taxes support.
Planned Parenthood’s idea of “care”
Planned Parenthood spends millions annually, convincing you, big business, elected officials, and the media that they are an “essential women’s health care provider.”
Here’s the truth about their health services: Planned Parenthood
- performed over 332,000 abortions in 2018 alone (over 18,000 of those were in Massachusetts);
- was caught selling aborted baby body parts;
- aggressively pushes for transgender hormone therapy (including for children);
- contracts with public schools to indoctrinate children with sex “education” that considers BDSM appropriate curriculum for students (their go-to guidebook is Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts’ “Get Real” program);
- encourages teens to circumvent their parents and the law;
- has been implicated in multiple sex-trafficking cover ups;
- has sent over 10 women to the ER in Boston this past year after botching abortion procedures;
- has killed women in botched abortion procedures.
Planned Parenthood’s claims that they care for the under served and promote women’s health couldn’t be further from the truth. This profiteering abortion company kills babies and hurts women – a clear enemy against families.
A Light at the End of the Tunnel
Even though Planned Parenthood enjoys a virtual stranglehold over many of our elected officials (see pro-abortion Massachusetts Senator Friedman prevent pro-life advocates from recording a public hearing on H.1181), citizens of the Commonwealth can still celebrate these pro-life victories:
- Across the country, states are valiantly fighting to protect the unborn;
- Pro-life productions like Unplanned broke free from Planned Parenthood’s choke hold on mainstream Hollywood;
- The Executive branch just reinstated the Title X statue that prohibits abortion as a method of family planning;
- And even in MA, the Planned Parenthood facility in Fitchburg recently closed its doors.
Rewriting the narrative of women’s health care
For decades, Planned Parenthood has masqueraded as a health care provider, loudly proclaiming that, without them, women will suffer in the most horrible ways. Thanks to the propaganda of Planned Parenthood, RARELY do we hear about the THOUSANDS of federally qualified health care centers that provide far superior care without killing babies. 270 of these facilities are in Massachusetts.

To get to a place where we can defund Planned Parenthood, we MUST rewrite the false narrative that Planned Parenthood is women’s health care. It is a blatant lie. In fact, women will be far better off without the abortion giant. Women struggling with unintended pregnancies should be met with compassionate, real care, not an industry that makes billions by convincing them to abort their child.
For our tax dollars, our sanity, and our souls, we must stop killing innocent babies. We must end the lie that Planned Parenthood helps women.
For our Families,